
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Your favorite housewife

Early evening all!

I'm trying to get back into the habit of blogging and writing every day! Last week I was speaking on having your house look "staged" on a daily basis. I had a few tips from my great grandmother and she said if you see something pick it and never leave anything out of its place. Well I took that and ran with it,  I've been making sure before I go to bed that my kitchen and living room are completely clean. For example the last couple nights before I go get in the bed I walk around the house making sure there is nothing on the floor. This has been helping me sure my house looks "staged" at all times,  because you never know when company will be coming over.  So until next time take this little tip and put it to use. Makes it easy for when you want to do that spring cleaning,  there will be a lot less to clean😊